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  • Neil Cruickshank

What’s happening with Dorset Textile Artist Carol Cruickshank?

Spring 2024

Oh dear, 2023 whizzed passed with no blog at all! I was very busy creating art, visiting family on Anglesey, Manchester, London, Copenhagen and Perth, Australia. We also took a little detour to North Island, New Zealand. I exhibited work with Artwey in our Weymouth summer exhibition by Weymouth Harbour, exhibited in St Ives over the summer with ABNA (Association of British Naive Artists) and with Casterbridge Art society in Poundbury in their Winter Exhibition.

I also put lots of time and effort into the Church on Portland being involved in the production of several Christian outreach events on Portland.

Here are some of the pictures I worked on last year:

Early Snows on Snowdonia

Hope Cove

Oxney Green Cottage

Golden Samphire at Portland Bill

Jubilee Clock, Weymouth

Storm at Portland Bill.

I am currently working on creating some new originals for Dorset Art Weeks, 25th May to 9th June inclusive. During this time, my home studio is open every day, from 10.30am to 5.30pm. Neil will also be showing his wooden sculptures. We are venue 122.

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© 2023  by Neil Cruickshank

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